My favorite movie

Movies, as I said before, are one of my favorite hobbies. When the weekend comes, they are the first things I watch. Even if I've seen a movie before, if it left me a good impression, I watch it again and sometimes I get obsessed. But if I had to choose my favorite movie, it would have to be "The Parent Trap". It might be one of the oldest movies that exists, but it has left me a lot of good impressions that I see every often, it never gets old. It's topic, two twins who didn't know they were twins because their parents divorced and mom took one girl dad the other, which meet at camp after 13 years, when it was time to go back home they go back home as each other, without telling anyone. They go through a lot of adventures in order to reach their goal: To get their parents 
back together. If this sounded interesting, I 
suggest you all to see the movie that is here on the right to find out more. 

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